A look at the best outfits of the first weekend of Coachella '23; has Coachella style changed and which trends stand out as the most stylish
Coachella is known for its extreme and skimpy looks. If you look at pictures of the California festival you are bound to see an excess of skin, cowboy hats, hot pants, bikini tops, cowboy boots, mini skirts and face gems. It's also received its fair share of criticism in the past with a number of festival goers being accused of cultural appropriation. However, #coachella 2023 seems to have featured less insensitive fashion choices than previous years. Also, many attendees have shown a positive step away from the costume like attire that has been typical during previous years. Whilst people will always want to have fun and be creative for a festival, a balanced combination of style and practicality is apparent in the Coachella 2023 outfits shared below. I've spent ages looking through images of the first weekend of Coachella 2023 on Instagram so you don't have to; here are my favourite outfits of Coachella 2023 so far: (all images are linked to the relevant Instagram account)

Let me know what you think of the outfits I've shared and Coachella #festivalwear in the comments. If you've been to Coachella comment what you wore, and if you are going to a festival this summer I'd love to know what you plan to wear.
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